Frugal Fashionista By Toni

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Migraines Suck. Here's a Few Tips to Manage A Migraine

Migraines suck. I’m pretty sure we can all agree on that. If you’ve never had one, consider yourself incredibly lucky. I’ve suffered from migraines and headaches for as long as I can remember, and have tried almost everything to prevent/relieve them. Unfortunately, for years I have experienced a headache nearly daily. These headaches vary in severity and type. In addition to those daily headaches, my migraine occurrence has increased to at least 4 a month, sometimes more. There are people who experience migraines for days on end and I truly don’t know how they do it. I have sought treatment from my PCP and two neurologists and have not been able to find relief. Below is a list of things I have tried, and found to be of some help. Perhaps you can find some relief in these methods too.

  1. Daith Piercing - My Best Decision Yet!! I recently took the leap and decided to give a daith piercing a try. My ultimate goal was to never experience a migraine again, but at this point I was willing to accept any relief whatsoever. I got my piercing from Ikonic Ink in Altoona, PA. Rachel was the technician and she was absolutely amazing throughout the entire process. I highly recommend her. I got my piercing on April 18, 2019 and have not experienced a migraine or headache since. I have only had the feeling like I am about to get a headache. This I am so very happy about. It hasn’t been all that long so I’m trying not to get my hopes up too much. I’ll keep you all updated on my progress as the piercing heals.

  2. Essential Oils - My sister was nice enough to purchase an essential oil for me to try. I LOVE the scent, and since my piercing I have only been experiencing a feeling of the onset of a headache. So far this oil has taken care of that feeling. It’s call BrainRelief, and is a mixture of lavender and peppermint. I have been using this oil inside my aroma therapy locket so that I can smell it throughout the day. Just add a dab to the lava rock disk inside and I’m set all day. It’s advertised to help with sinus congestion, mood relief, and anxiety among other things.

  3. Green Tea with Honey - This may be a personal preference, however a cup of hot tea always seem to relax me to some extent. Especially if I can sit in peace and quiet. Green tea is one of my favorites. Paired with local honey, it’s excellent.

  4. Breathing Techniques - I have been researching and learning about the power of breathing. This may sound stupid or over the top, but I’m telling you it’s worth a try. A friend told me about a man named Wim Hof and a breathing technique that he’s perfected to help with all kinds of ailments. After reading and watching some videos I believe I have the breathing down, at least at a novice level. He has a website, however even googling his name you will finds lots of information and videos. Again, the information can be overwhelming especially if you haven’t tried anything like this, but I have found it to be incredibly helpful in relaxing me. If you suffer from anxiety I would absolutely give it a try.

I apologize for the quality of the photo, but I had my sister snap a quick picture immediately following the daith piercing. Thanks again Rachel at Ikonic Ink! Despite what many reviews say, it didn’t hurt at all. Just a feeling of a decent amount of pressure. Afterwards there was a burning or throbbing sensation that lasted about an hour.

Aroma Therapy Locket

This is an example of an aroma therapy locket that can be ordered from Frugal Fashionista. I’ll add more pictures of the particular locket that I wear tomorrow. I wear mine almost daily now.

If you have techniques that you find helpful please feel free to share in the comments below.