Frugal Fashionista By Toni

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Daith Piercing: 3 Week Update

​UPDATE: I got my piercing on April 18th, which makes this week the third week since getting it done. I’m thrilled to report, that in the last three weeks I have not had a migraine or headache. I can’t remember the last time I’ve gone that long. Probably since early childhood to be honest. The only negative experience I’ve had since the piercing, is feeling as though I’m about to get a headache or possible migraine. I’ve found that when I start to feel this way, essential oils that didn’t help in the past are now alleviating that feeling.

The healing process is to take approximately 3 months and I can’t say that I’ve had any discomfort to speak of. I continue to gently clean the piercing with sterile saline solution. From time to time there is a small piece of crust that will build up at the piercing site, which I was told is to be expected. This easily and painlessly comes off when cleaning with the saline solution. In closing, this process is going well and I’m very pleased to be headache and migraine free thus far. I’m crossing my fingers that this continues. I’ll update again as I get farther out in my healing process.  I’m curious to see what other solutions people have found for their chronic headaches/migraines.  What have you tried?