Frugal Fashionista By Toni

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7 Tips to Healthy Skin

I can’t possibly be the only person who struggles with having healthy skin. As I get older, (which I’m NOT getting older) skin care has become more and more important to me. I get frustrated looking for a product that will work for me when there are just so many out there. You can rack up a serious bill just blindly trying things, crossing your fingers that they work. Personally I have incredibly dry skin. Like desert dry. I also have pores that are starting to get larger, which is driving me crazy and bags under my eyes. Bags big enough, that I have to check them at the airport. With all that being said I decided it was time to interview Stephanie Karstetter-Miller, a Mary Kay Consultant, to see what helpful tips she had to achieve healthy skin. Here’s what she had to say.

“Proper skin care is important because our skin is the largest barrier against infection that we have. Keeping our skin healthy and moist, helps keep this barrier strong. Here are 7 tips to healthy skin:

1) Wash your face - Best skin care practice includes washing your face in the morning AND at night. I say, if you have to choose just one time to do it, it should be at night. Wash off all the makeup, stress and dirt from your day.

2) Remove your eye makeup - Our eyes are two of our body's most important organs. Going to bed with eye makeup on, leaves them more prone to infection or eye diseases that can cause irreparable damage to our vision.

3) Apply toner - While this is a step you don't have to do twice a day or even once a day, it is one I like to do once or twice a week, depending on how oily my skin is. Toner removes dirt and makeup from deep down in your skin's layers. It always amazes me what I can find on my cotton pad AFTER I've washed my face.

4) Use a charcoal mask - Again, this is something I try to do once a week, unless I'm having an episode of really oily skin. The charcoal helps dry up some of the oil for me. I find myself doing this on Sunday evening, as I prepare and gear up for another work week. I've found it boosts my confidence a little, for some reason.

5) Moisturize - I use specially formulated moisturizer for my eyes. I do this because of the sensitivity of that area. Then I use a separate facial moisturizer for the rest of my face and neck. I also use a different day and night moisturizer. It's scientifically proven that our skin has different needs at different times of the day. For instance, my day moisturizer contains SPF 30, while my night moisturizer has lots of anti-aging and firming properties. Very much need for a 40+ working mom with active kids and little sleep.

6) Treat your trouble spots - Apply special treatment creams to blemishes or dry patches.

7) I personally believe this should be #1 simply because of the MANY health benefits. DRINK WATER!!!!!! Studies have shown that drinking 40+ oz of water each and every day keeps your skin hydrated and flushes impurities from your entire body.”

Not sure what is the right product for you? No problem. Stephanie has you covered. You can contact Stephanie via email at

Also be sure to join her facebook group to stay up to date on special offers, new items and skincare tips she has.

Below are the products Stephanie recommends for each of the steps.

Time Wise Age Minimize 3D 4-in-1 Cleanser

Botanical Effects Cleansing Gel

Oil-Free Eye Makeup Remover

TimeWise Firming Eye Cream (Wonder if they carry this in gallon size? haha)

Clear Proof Blemish Control Toner

Botanical Effects Refreshing Toner

Clear Proof Deep Cleansing Charcoal Mask

TimeWise Age Minimizing 3D Day Cream SPF 30 Broad Spectrum Sunscreen

Indulge Soothing Eye Gel

Oil Mattifier

TimeWise Replenishing Serum

I’m really curious if anyone has success stories with any of these products. Especially the Firming Eye Cream. I might just have to give that cream a try. If you’d like to talk about your trials, frustrations, success with products, etc. Comment below. I’m here to chat.

As always thank you for stopping by to read my blog.