Frugal Fashionista By Toni

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Life Hack! Simple Freezer Storage

Here’s a quick and amazingly simple life hack for you.

When I find a good price on ground beef I buy the larger packs, and will separate and freeze what I won’t be using right away.

It’s just my husband and myself that I am cooking for so I freeze approximately 1lb portions which works perfectly for most meals for us. I don’t overthink this by weighing anything. I just eyeball it based on the total package weight. I use a quart size ziplock bag and add in the ground beef. I try to equally disperse the meat inside the baggy and then I smush the bag down with my hand until the meat is in a thin even layer inside the bag. I would say the beef is less than 1/2 inch thick. I date the baggies and put them in the freezer. You might be saying, ok so why is this a life hack? Well….. because the meat is in a thin layer these stack nicely in the freezer rather than trying to fit odd shaped square or oval pieces into the freezer. More importantly when you are ready to use the meat it thaws very quickly. This is ideal for anyone who is responsible for cooking dinner. Not many of us have the time to plan well in advance every meal. Anything that is simple and fast is a plus as far as I can see. I have also seen images of some refrigerators that have little guidelines on the bottom of the freezer. I assume that these bags could be stood up on their sides and held in place by those little ridges if your freezer has them.

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See how little space these take up! Very convenient.

This makes for easy thawing 😊