Frugal Fashionista By Toni

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Selfie Sticks....Annoying Device or Life Saving Accessory? You Decide!

The first time I saw a selfie stick, my initial thought was that not many people would be interested in such a contraption.  Looking back now, I may have missed out on making a few dollars off of these babies.  I myself am not too fond of taking selfies, and I feel as though a feeling of embarrassment would overwhelm me if I pulled a selfie stick out in public but that's just me.

Recently I've heard two interesting stories in which selfie sticks were involved in life altering situations.  The first story is about a man whom was struck dead by lightning and was said to be carrying a selfie stick.  I read about this here at the OpposingViews website.  

The second story features a teenage girl and her father that were swimming in Nantucket, MA and were caught in a riptide.  The girl happened to be filming with a GoPro attached to a selfie stick.  The girls mother was able to swim out and reach the selfie stick and pull her in to safety.  You can read more and view the video here