Frugal Fashionista By Toni

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Shopping On A Budget? We've got you covered ;)

In case you didn’t notice, people call me The Frugal Fashionista……that’s for a reason. I take great pride in the merchandise that I carry. Whether it’s handmade or manufactured by a partnering company. You will know when you shop with Frugal Fashionista that there’s thought and consideration put into every single item, including the price. Below are just a few of the items presently in stock, that won’t break the bank.

Both of these rings are on clearance for $5! Yes, you read that correctly. Each ring is on clearance for $5 and both are stainless steel, which means no tarnishing. Now that’s a deal. Oh yeah and did I mention there’s a TON of clearance items available right now?

That’s just the tip of the iceberg people. If you have visited the website lately, you may have seen some of our new categories. For even easier shopping you can click once and see the $5, $10 $15 and $20 items. Click any of the images below and you’ll be directed to the website. :)

I promise it’s worth the time to visit the website and see everything that we have to offer. I also suggest following on facebook and instagram (@frugalfashionistabytoni), because there are new items, contests and giveaways posted frequently. If you are ever looking for a particular piece and don’t see it online, email and I’ll do my best to create what you are looking for.