Ignorance May Be More Costly Than Education....

I have set a new personal goal and thought I would share it with you all as well.  Who knows, some of you may share my interest and find this helpful.  I must admit that I have found myself embarrassed lately in how little I actually know about our history.  When I say history I mean many topics that have formed what our world is today, not just expanding my knowledge on for example the civil war.  

With that said I think it's time to become a student again, and feed my mind with useful things rather than wastefully scanning Facebook, watching videos of puppies or chuckling over the latest Biden/Obama memes.  I am fortunate enough to have so many resources literally at the end of my fingertips there's no excuse not to take advantage of that and put it to good use. 

My goal is to simply read at least one little article each day hopefully learning something new, or refreshing my mind on something long forgotten.  One website I find myself frequenting is History.com and looking over the On This Day In History section.  If you visit this site you will see today was a significant day in our nations history, as it was the day that President John F. Kennedy was assassinated.  Scan further down the site and see other significant events that took place on this day.  

I warned everyone early on that this blog will not always cover fashion or jewelry related topics.  This is simply a source to share anything I find interesting with those who follow.  If you happen to come across anything you find exceptionally interesting in your new learning experience endeavor please feel free to share here.  I'm open to learning about pretty much anything.