iPad Pro Journey Day 2

It’s day 2 of my iPad journey. Initially, I messed around with the different styles of brushes that come with the Procreate app.  At some point I want to develop good hand lettering skills, if possible, so I dabbled with some of the calligraphy pens. I’m definitely going to need lots of practice.  After that, I decided to follow another YouTube tutorial. This one by Art with Flo caught my eye as this style of art is very popular right now. I grew up loving cartoons and comic books so if I can get the hang of this style I will use it often.  


I chose to use a picture of my stunningly beautiful sister as the base/reference for this project.  Unlike me, she is a cosmetic genius. I look forward to her Instagram posts, to see what glamorous look she’s created for the day.  If you are interested, head over to Instagram and follow her for makeup suggestions. You can do so by clicking here. Anyways…..back to this drawing. At the beginning of the YouTube video, she instructs you on how to choose a well-lit image with clear, crisp quality especially of the eyes.  I felt that this picture would work well. The only downside to my image selection was the flyaway wisps of hair, but for now, I’m willing to overlook that and learn.  

I agree with the creator of the video when she says that you can complete this without being able to draw.  This was really mostly tracing, which I’m not sure about you, but I find it very relaxing. I felt the video had a decent pace.  I had to pause it a few times to complete a task to my liking and then would start it back up for further instruction. Since I’m so new to this, I find that the areas where I’m having to replay and pay closer attention are when a new brush is selected and detailed instruction is not given on exactly what category that brush is under.  Or sometimes a new layer will be added and placed somewhere and it’s done just a little too quickly for me to see if there are multiple layers. But with the magic of technology, it’s easy to back up and replay what I’ve missed. That makes the learning experience stress free.

Overall, I feel I was able to follow the instructions well.  My sisters’ hair is very dark so I didn’t mess with very many variances in color streaks in the hair to give it that crazy comic pop.  I may go back later and experiment further. The example the video provided added white streaks in the hair. Initially, I followed that instruction but I didn’t care for that look so I duplicated that page and removed those streaks to see which I liked better.  I think I prefer the one without the white. My sisters’ shirt has detail in it that I will likely go back and work on as well. This was not something that was instructed in the video; however, I would like to test my skills at airbrushing the shirt to give more of a cartoon effect.  I enjoyed this tutorial and look forward to following her YouTube page.  You already saw my reference picture above, now below you’ll find the two finished products. What do you think? Feel free to drop a comment below. As always, thank you very much for stopping by the website. If you enjoyed this post please click the heart below to show some love. Stay safe and healthy.
