Tips for Keeping Your Home in Tip Top Shape

Do you want to know how to keep your home in tip-top shape? There are many home maintenance tasks that need to be taken care of on a regular basis. We will discuss the most common home repairs and home maintenance tasks that need to be done regularly. This way, your home can stay in great condition!


One of the most common home repairs that are needed in the kitchen is fixing leaks. A leaky faucet can waste a lot of water, so it is important to fix it as soon as possible. Another common kitchen repair is replacing a broken light switch. If you have a dark kitchen, then installing some more light fixtures can be helpful too.


Another of the most common home repairs in the bedroom is repairing a broken window. If you have a broken window, it is important to get it fixed as soon as possible. Getting a replacement window ensures the safety and also can help lower your gas and electric bills! Look for more Energy Efficient.

Home Improvement


One of the most common home repairs that are needed outside of the home is sprucing up the decor and ensuring all entryways are clear of debris. This includes the trim, the porch, and the driveway. Making sure that all of these areas are clean will help your home look nicer and also be safer for guests.

Checking Your Air Filters

If you don't change the air filter regularly, it can cause the HVAC system to work harder than necessary and increase your energy bills. Be sure to also clean the coils on the outside of your HVAC unit at least once a year.

One of the most common home maintenance tasks is changing air filters in heating systems like furnaces and heat pumps. This prevents dust from circulating through your home which can lead to respiratory issues such as asthma for those who suffer from breathing problems. Another commonly neglected home maintenance task that must be done regularly is cleaning dryer vents on gas or electric clothes dryers. Lint build-ups create fires so make sure this gets cleaned out at least once a year!


Home Improvement

Another often overlooked home maintenance task is checking caulking and weather stripping around doors and windows. If these are not in good condition, cold air can seep into your home in the winter, making your heating bill skyrocket. Be sure to check these areas every few months and replace them as needed.

These are just a few home repairs and home maintenance tasks that need to be done regularly to keep your home in good condition. Comment below if you would like more home maintenance tips!

Pennsylvania Gardening Tips: Top Ways to Grow Your Garden

The days are getting longer and the weather is starting to warm up – it's finally springtime! For gardeners in Pennsylvania, that means it's time to start planting. There are many different ways to grow a garden, so we've put together a list of our favorite gardening tips for Pennsylvania. Whether you're just starting out or you're a seasoned pro, these tips will help you be garden-ready this year!

Don't worry if you think gardening is difficult. There's no right or wrong way to do it! You may cultivate anything from a modest window garden to a sizable raised bed in your backyard. It just depends on what kind of space you have available, how much time and energy want to spend gardening and where your interests lie.

At Home Gardening

Getting Started

Start small with an easy-to-grow plant like tomatoes or peppers, then add in more challenging vegetables as you gain experience over time! If gardening isn't for you, there are still plenty of ways to enjoy springtime without planting anything at all – just get outside and enjoy the fresh air! If you're new to gardening, planting a new garden may seem like a daunting task. But don't worry – it's pretty easy! Here are a few tips to help you get started:

  • Create a spring gardening checklist!

  • Choose a sunny spot in your yard that gets at least six hours of sunlight per day.

  • Plan ahead! Layout your garden ahead of time so you know what you'll be planting and where.

  • Plant seeds in rows or clumps of three to five plants for easy harvesting later on down the line.

  • Use mulch around newly planted seedlings to help protect them from frost damage until they're fully established this springtime gardening season!

Flower beds and gardening paths are the perfect way to add beauty as well as functionality to your yard. They're also great for people who have limited space but still want something beautiful! Just remember that these areas need regular maintenance too – it's not just about planting flowers once or twice per year anymore, so make sure you know what kind of gardening you're getting into before starting one yourself.

Keeping Your Garden Insect Free!

Bugs can be a real problem for the gardener, especially in Pennsylvania where springtime gardening is popular. This is because insects are attracted to warm weather and will start laying eggs as soon as it arrives, which means they'll often take over your plant's leaves before they've had a chance to grow.

One way to help prevent this is by using an organic gardening method like companion planting. This involves grouping plants together that have natural properties that either repel or attract insects, so you can have a garden full of beautiful flowers while keeping the bugs at bay!

Companion planting also helps improve soil health and assists in the growth of your plants. Some good combinations to try include:

- Basil and tomatoes: The strong smell of basil repels tomato pests like whiteflies.

- Nasturtiums and cabbage: Cabbage pests are repelled by the peppery taste of nasturtiums.

- Marigolds and aphids: Aphids hate the smell of marigolds, so planting them near other

- Carrots and onions

- Beans and corn

- Radishes and lettuce

If you are looking for a gardening project that will last all season long, why not try building a raised bed? These are perfect for people who have limited space or want to garden in an area that doesn't get a lot of sunlight. You can buy or build your own raised bed, and then fill it with a variety of soil amendments to create the perfect conditions for gardening.

Just make sure you're careful when planting near trees – their root systems can often compete with nearby plants for water and nutrients. And if you're not sure what type of gardening you want to do, try starting small by planting some vegetables (like tomatoes) in pots before expanding into larger beds!

If gardening isn't your thing but you still want to enjoy springtime outdoors, why not start a garden club? This is the perfect way for people who love gardening without all of the work involved with it to get together and share tips, ideas, and even plants! There are gardening clubs all over the state of Pennsylvania, so there's sure to be one near you. So what are you waiting for? Get gardening!

Ground Hog Day: The History Behind the Holiday

Groundhog Day is a day to commemorate the groundhog, more commonly known as "Punxsutawney Phil." Every year on February 2nd, Groundhog Day is observed. The 128th anniversary of Groundhog Day will be celebrated February 02, 2022.

History of Ground Hog Day

Groundhog Day is a centuries-old holiday in the United States that was originated by German settlers in Pennsylvania. The first Groundhog Day celebration was held in 1887, but the practice of monitoring the groundhog goes back much further. The first people to observe how the groundhogs behaved and whether or not they saw their shadows were German settlers in Pennsylvania. They would watch to see if the groundhogs saw their shadows or not, then use that information to predict when spring would arrive or if there would be four more weeks of winter.

Groundhog Day has grown in popularity worldwide since then. People celebrate it by watching movies about it, eating dishes that are connected to it, or simply keeping an eye on the groundhog activities.

Groundhog Day Celebrations

Ground Hog Day is observed in a variety of ways by many people. Some people watch the film Groundhog Day to commemorate the day, while others celebrate with ground hog dishes, and still more people simply observe what happens on Groundhog Day. Have some fun however you choose to celebrate it, and don't forget to learn something about the groundhog's history as well. After all, that is what Ground Hog Day is all about!

Facts about Punxsutawney Phil

-Punxsutawney Phil is the most famous groundhog in the world.

-Phil has made predictions about the weather for over 125 years.

-Ground hogs only live for around six or seven years, so Phil is quite old!

-There are many other ground hogs that make similar predictions throughout North America, but Phil is the most famous.

-Ground hogs are able to predict weather because they hibernate and during that time, they monitor how much sunlight each day.

-There is a lot of debate about whether or not groundhogs actually help predict the weather, but it's still a fun tradition to celebrate nonetheless!

No matter how you choose to celebrate, be sure to have some fun! And don't forget to learn a little bit about the ground hog's history too. After all, that is what Ground Hog Day is all about!

BONUS: The 1993 movie "Groundhog Day" starring Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell. What could be more perfect for this holiday than a classic movie? Watch it now on Netflix or Amazon Prime.

A King's Legacy: How MLK Changed the World

Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day! Today we celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., a man and civil rights leader who dedicated his life to fighting for rights and equality for all Americans . He is remembered for his many speeches, including “I Have a Dream” which he delivered in Washington D.C. during the March on Washington in 1963 .

He was a Baptist minister and activist who led the African-American Civil Rights Movement in America during the 1950s and 1960s. His birthday, January 15th is celebrated as across the United States of America to honor his legacy.


MLK's Early Life

Martin Luther King, Jr. was born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta to a middle-class family. His father had three children from his first marriage and adopted another daughter as well as Martin’s mother after she married her husband. He became the pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church in 1947 and went on to become president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference in 1957.

King's views on equality were shaped by his experience as a child. He was born into a segregated society and experienced racism firsthand. His family was also very religious and taught him to stand up for what he believed in. These early life experiences helped King become one of the most influential civil rights leaders in history.

He is best known for his speeches advocating for racial equality, such as "I Have a Dream," which he delivered at the March on Washington in 1963. The speech is recognized as one of the greatest orations in American history. King was also awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 for his work towards ending segregation and discrimination.

Sadly, King was assassinated on April 1968 in Memphis. His death led to the expansion of his ideals by other civil rights leaders such as Jesse Jackson and more violent protests across America. King's legacy lives on today, through the work of many different organizations dedicated to social justice all over the world.


MLK Day is a time for everyone to remember Martin Luther King Jr.'s role in bringing Americans together during one of our country's darkest times.

In the years since his death, King's memory has been honored all over America. His birthday is a federal holiday and many events are held in his honor each year as well as displays of quotes from him on banners across cities as a longstanding tradition.

On this day Americans are encouraged to volunteer their time at a soup kitchen or food pantry, visit with friends or family members they have not seen for awhile, take care of themselves by doing something nice for themselves like taking a walk or reading a book, learn about someone new through reading that person’s autobiography or watching documentaries on them, remember those less fortunate than us by donating clothes we no longer wear to a charity, giving blood at an American Red Cross center or donate money to one of the many charities that are out there.

Another way Americans celebrate this national day is through service projects and volunteer opportunities. For example, Habitat for Humanity builds homes in America with families who may not have been able to purchase their own home otherwise. Volunteers work together on building sites all over the world helping people realize they can build better lives by themselves when given proper tools and resources needed to do so.


Happy MLK Day! Thank you for celebrating the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.! Let's continue working together to make his dream of equality for all a reality. #MLKDay2018 #MartinLutherKingJr #civilrightsleader #activist #nonviolenceactivism #NobelPeacePrize

Korean American Day: Celebrating Korean-American Culture

Korean American Day is a day to commemorate the anniversary of Korea's liberation from Japan, and to celebrate history of Korean-American culture. The first observance of this day was in 1966 by 25 members of the Los Angeles Jaycees. They wanted to show their appreciation for all that Koreans had done for America since they immigrated here during WWII to help with the war effort against Japan.

How Korean-American Day is Celebrated Today

Today, it is celebrated every year on August 15th and there are events all over America celebrating Korean culture. Some of the activities that take place include Korean food festivals, dance performances, and martial arts demonstrations. It's a great way to learn more about the history and traditions of Korea and to celebrate the many contributions that Korean Americans have made to American society.

Famous Korean-Americans

There are many notable Korean-Americans who have made significant contributions to American society. Some of them include:

  • Dr. David Kim, a cardiothoracic surgeon and the first Asian American member at prestigious Institute of Medicine National Academies.

  • Steve Yeun, an actor best known for his role as Glenn Rhee on Walking Dead Show which he won Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actor in a Motion Picture Drama TV Series or MiniSeries 2015; also played leading roles in movies like "Inside Man" (2006), “Knight of Cups” (2015), “Okja” (2017).

  • Michelle Kwan is a five-time World Champion, two-time Olympic medalist figure skater. She was voted one of the "30 most powerful Asian Americans in sports"; Named Associated Press Athlete Of The Year for 1997; voted an Emmy Award for Outstanding Sports Personality, Individual.

  • Bobby Lee is an actor and stand up comedian, appearing in movies like Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle, Pineapple Express, The Dictator and TV shows like Silicon Valley. He also has his own show on Showtime called "I'm Dying Up Here."

  • David Chang is the founder of Momofuku restaurant group; also producer and star of Netflix show Ugly Delicious.

  • Steve Park is a Korean-American former NASCAR driver who has won three races in his career, winning Rookie of the Year honors at the 1996 running of the "Bud Shootout" at Daytona International Speedway. He's also acted in movies like Crossover (2006), The Longshots (2008), and Crash and Burn (2014).

  • Grace Park, an actress best known for playing the characters of Bozer, Sharon Valerii, Number Seven on Battlestar Galactica; also appearing in movies like Paycheck (2003) and X Men Origins: Wolverine (2009); Hawaii Five O TV Series (2010-2014).

  • Sung Kang is an actor known for his roles in the Fast and Furious franchise. He has also appeared in movies like "The Motel" (2005), "Fast Five" (2011), ""(2013).

Korean Cultural Influences in America

The Korean American culture is a mix of traditional and modern. One example would be their love for K-pop, which has become very popular in America along with other aspects from South Korea like Kimchi (a type cultural dish), or Taekwondo.


There are a few k-pop bands that have become popular in America. Some of them include BTS, EXO, and BlackPink. They all have their own unique sound and style that has won over fans from all over the world.


One of the most popular Korean dishes is Kimchi, a traditional dish made from fermented vegetables and spices. This dish is enjoyed all over Korea and beyond with different variations depending on where it's prepared. The process used to make kimchi can date back hundreds of years which makes this dish even more exciting for fans!


Taekwondo was developed back when this country was still under rule by dynasties; now it's one among many martial arts practiced here because they're so skilled at creating discipline while teaching users how to protect themselves or others through submissions and takedowns. Korean barbeque, a type of cooking that is quickly gaining popularity all over America, Is also a great example of how Korean culture has been influencing American culture.

Recipes for Korean-American Day

One of the most important parts of any celebration, is the food! There are a lot of recipes that people can try out to celebrate Korean American Day. Traditional Korean foods like kimchi and bulgogi are always good, but don't let that stop you from experimenting with some more popular American dishes as well.

Some examples of different foods that are on the menu for National Taco Day include chicken tacos or quesadillas- great because they use tortilla wraps similar to those found in many Korean dishes! Another fun way to get creative would be by making a bibimbap taco bowl or buddha bowl- delicious and festive meals perfect for enjoying during all your celebrations on August 15th.

Celebrating Korean American Day is important because it gives the community a chance to come together and celebrate their culture. The day commemorates Korea's liberation from Japan, along with celebrating the many contributions that Koreans have made to America since immigrating here during WWII. It also highlights some of the traditions that are unique to Korea. This is a great way for people who may not know much about this part of our history or culture, to learn more!

New Year's Resolutions for a Happier, Healthier You

The New Year is a time for fresh starts and new beginnings. It's the perfect opportunity to take stock of your life, set some goals, and make plans to achieve them. The best way to stay motivated is by setting small measurable resolutions that you can track as you go along. In this blog post we'll cover New Year's resolutions for 2022

Make a Bucket List

Making a bucket list will help you to prioritize your goals and dreams. We all have some things that we'd like to accomplish, but it can be difficult prioritizing day-to-day life over our personal goals. Making a bucket list is the perfect way for you to get started on achieving those long term resolutions!

Invest in Yourself

Investing in yourself can mean a lot of things. Investing in self care, your career and education, or even your money! Either way, making an investment in your future self is one of the best things you can do for your mental and physical health.

  • Invest in self-care products. Taking care of your skin, hair, and nails is a great way to feel good about yourself. Make sure to choose products that are good for you and your skin type.

  • Invest your money! New investment trends such as NFTS, Bitcoin, and entrepreneurial endeavors are great but building up an old fashioned savings account can also make an immediate impact into your mental well being. Save money fast by cutting out subscriptions you do not use. The Truebill app! It allows you to sync all of your bank accounts into one central place and will even help cancel subscriptions! Cut down on Ubereats. If you really want to feel bad, print out your last 3 monthly bank statements and highlight each UberEats deduction. Try cooking from home and meal prepping. (See next section!)

Investing in Yourself

Eat Better

When you eat better, it's not about depriving yourself; in fact the opposite is true! Eating more whole food will make your body feel so much better, and give you more energy than if there were processed snacks on hand. And when we talk nourishment - think of all those essential nutrients like antioxidants and vitamins that keep us healthy from within outwards appearance too?!

Eating better 2022

The most crucial thing is not what kind or quantity, but rather how well-balanced our diets are: getting just enough protein with each meal (and snack), along with carbs and fat sources such as leafy greens...not forgetting any other groups.Start by making small changes in your diet:

  • Focus on adding more fruits and vegetables to your meals.

  • Cut back on processed foods and sugary drinks.

  • Replace white bread with whole grain bread.

  • Drink more water throughout the day.

Once you have been able to make these changes for a few months and you see success, it's likely you will feel less stress, slim down and start the year off on the right foot!

Exercise More Often

Do you find it sound boring? We promise it's not! Exercising more often doesn't have to be all jogging on the treadmill; there are so many different ways of exercising that fit everyone's lifestyle.

Be Fit 2022
  • Set fitness goals to be active for 30 minutes a day: This doesn't have to mean going to the gym. You can take a walk, go for fun bike rides with people you know, or play sports on your day off!

  • Create an exercise routine. This could mean waking up half hour earlier to work out before work every morning, making time after dinner to take the dog for a walk around the block, etc. Whatever works best with your schedule is what you should go for.

  • Make an effort to be more active at work. This could mean taking the stairs instead of the elevator or walking around your office during lunch breaks.

The important thing is to find something you enjoy doing so that you'll be more likely to stick with it in the long run.

Sleep More

Getting enough sleep is crucial for your health and well-being. Most adults need around eight hours of sleep per night, but many of us don't get nearly that much. Try your best to turn off screens at least an hour before bedtime, and make it a point to go to sleep earlier.

Getting more sleep 2022

Connect with Others

One of the best things you can do for your happiness and health is to connect with others. socialize with friends and loved ones, join a club or group, or volunteer your time for a good cause. Spending time with others will make you feel connected and supported, which is essential for a happy and healthy life.

Connecting with others 2022

Let January be the month for setting resolutions....and KEEPING THEM! By following these tips, you can set yourself up for a happy and healthy New Year! Try incorporating one or two resolutions at a time and don't be afraid to challenge yourself. Sticking to your goals is easier when you have support from friends and family, so make sure to let them know about your resolutions and ask for their help!

Winter Skin Care Routine: 4 Steps to Get You Through Winter

Winter is here, and it's time to take your skincare routine to the next level. It can be hard to know where to start when you have so many products available. But don't worry! We've created a winter skin care routine that will keep you looking radiant all season long and make your skin happy!

Step One: Cleanse your skin.

Cleanse your skin every day with a gentle cleanser so you do not strip the natural oils In the colder months, your skin can accumulate dirt, dead skin cells, and even make-up from harsh wind or cold weather conditions. A good cleanser will remove this build-up without drying out your skin.

It's important to cleanse your skin every day, no matter what the season. In winter, it's especially important to remove all of the dirt and makeup that can accumulate on your skin. Choose a gentle cleanser that won't strip your skin of its natural oils. My favorite cleanser is the CeraVe Foaming Facial Cleanser, Makeup Remover and Daily Face Wash. This is for normal to oily skin but does not dry out my skin too much. If you need a cleanser that can provide more moisture, try the CeraVe Hydrating Facial Cleanser.

**Try to use a toner that works well with your skin like the THAYER'S Alcohol-Free Witch Hazel Facial Toner with Aloe Vera Formula, Rose Petal after you cleanse your skin!

Looking for a new cleanser to help keep your skin healthy and glowing this winter? Check out our top picks!

CeraVe Foaming Facial Cleanser

This is my go-to facial cleanser. I have been using it for over two years now and love how it leaves my skin feeling clean and refreshed without feeling dry or tight.

Boscia Charcoal Makeup Melting Cleansing Oil

This is a great option if you're looking for an oil-based cleanser. I love how it gently melts away all of my makeup (even the most stubborn eye makeup) without leaving my skin feeling oily or greasy.

Sunday Riley Good Genes All-In-One Lactic Acid Treatment

If you're looking for a chemical exfoliant, this is the one to try! It's very effective and leaves my skin feeling soft and smooth with no irritation at all. Plus it has an amazing citrus scent that I love.

Burt's Bees Essential Everyday Cleanser

This is a great option if you're looking for a more natural cleanser. It has an invigorating, fresh scent that I love and it leaves my skin feeling clean while still being gentle. Plus the large bottle lasts forever!

Step Two: Apply a moisturizer.

Apply a moisturizer to keep you looking healthy in the chilly air outside! Choose a product that contains hyaluronic acid if possible, as it works well at absorbing water into the outer layer of our skin where cells are more likely to dry up during these cooler temperatures. I like to use the CeraVe Moisturizing Cream. This moisturizing cream can be used not just on your face but for your hands, knees, elbows and anywhere else you want to remedy flaky skin, dull skin, and irritated skin!

**Try using a serum like the Ordinary Vitamin C Serum to create a glowing complexion before applying a moisturizer! This has done wonders to brighten my skin and increase my skin health all year round!

Looking for a moisturizer that will hydrate your skin without feeling greasy? Check out our top picks!

CeraVe Moisturizing Cream

This is my go-to winter moisturizer because it's super lightweight, absorbs quickly, creates a protective barrier, and doesn't leave me with any residue or greasiness behind. It also helps to soften the skin, reduce redness, and doesn't clog your pores.

Ole Henriksen Banana Bright Eye Cream

This eye cream is perfect for hydrating the under-eye area without being too heavy or greasy. It also has a unique yellow tint that helps brighten dark circles while you sleep! This one takes some getting used to but I love it now because of how lightweight it feels on my skin. :)

Sunday Riley Ceramic Slip Moisturizer

If you have normal/combination skin then this moisturizer will be ideal for you in wintertime - just make sure to use sunscreen with an SPF 15+ daily since this product does not contain any sun protection! I don't recommend it for those with oily skin types though, as it may be too heavy.

Step Three: Use an eye cream.

The skin around your eyes is thin and delicate, so it's important to use a specialized eye cream to keep it hydrated. Use an eye cream daily on any areas around the eyes that seem puffy or dry. You may notice dark circles under your eyes due to the colder weather, so it's important to use a cream that will help hydrate this delicate skin.

Looking for an eye cream that will help with those pesky dark circles and puffiness under your eyes? Check out our top picks!

The Ordinary Eye Serum with Caffeine

I have seen a drastic improvement in my baggy under eyes and dark circles since starting to use it over six months ago. I apply this right after I apply my Vitamin C serum and then moisturize. Highly recommend!

Caudalie Vinoperfect Eye Serum Anti-Dark Circles Concentrate

This is a more expensive but luxurious eye serum. I have been using this for years and definitely notice a difference when I'm not consistent with it on days that my under-eye area looks puffy or dark circles are worse than usual. This one absorbs easily, glides smoothly over the skin, and leaves no residue behind so you can apply concealer and foundation without any problems.

Sunday Riley Ceramic Slip Brightening Eye Serum

I only started using this about a month ago but it has quickly become one of my favorites! It's very lightweight so I don't feel like I'm wearing anything on my eyes, absorbs quickly, and doesn't cause any stinging or irritation. It also helps to brighten the under-eye area and diminish any dark circles.

Step Four: Protect your skin from the sun.

Don't forget to protect your skin from the sun! The winter sun can be just as damaging as the summer sun, so make sure you're using sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher. I personally use CeraVe Moisturizing Lotion SPF 30, Sunscreen, and Face Moisturizer with Hyaluronic Acid & Ceramides.

Looking for a sunscreen that will protect your skin from the sun but doesn't feel heavy or greasy? Check out our top picks!

CeraVe Sunscreen Lotion SPF 50

This sunscreen is perfect for everyday use, non-greasy, and doesn't leave a white cast on your skin. I have been using it for about two years now and love it! This lightweight formula protects your asking from free radicals and UV rays even during the winter months.

COVERGIRL Clean Matte BB Cream Broad Spectrum SPF 20

This is my go-to sunscreen for when I'm going to be spending time outside but don't want to wear a full face of makeup. It has an SPF 20, comes in a variety of shades, and doesn't make my skin feel oily or heavy.

La Roche-Posay Anthelios 60 Ultra Light Sunscreen Fluid

This sunscreen is ideal for those with oily/combo skin like myself. It's very lightweight and absorbs quickly without leaving a white cast or feeling greasy. It also has an SPF of 60 which is one of the highest on the market.

One final tip for the Ultimate Healthy Skin Routine: Drink Water!

One of the most important things you can do for your skin during the winter drinks plenty of water. Staying hydrated helps to keep your skin healthy and looking its best. Aim to drink at least eight glasses of water per day, more if you're active or live in a cold climate.

Thanks for reading! I hope this winter skincare routine helps you keep your skin looking its best all season long. Be sure to check out our other skincare posts for more helpful advice and different routines you can follow. What's your winter skincare routine? What are your favorite products to use in the winter?

Hottest Holiday Fashion Trends

The holidays are just around the corner, and that means it's time to start thinking about your seasonal wardrobe. This year, skip the traditional red and green colors and opt for something a little more fashion-forward. Check out that will keep you on-trend all season long. Check out our top picks below!

Miley Cyrus Sequin Dress

Item #01: Sequin dresses

Sequined dresses are a popular choice for a holiday party! They add a touch of glamour and elegance to any outfit. Simply pair it with black tights and booties or knee-high boots, or go for a bold look by pairing it with gold accessories! The Sequin look is sure to make you red carpet ready! Find your sequin dress here!

Item #02: Black & white outfits with red accessories

In any situation, wear black pants or a classic black skirt with a white blouse and top it off with some festive red accessories to really make your outfit pop. This look is perfect for any holiday event! Snag a cute red purse to add a pop of color here!

Item #03: Metallic skirts and dresses

If you want to add a little sparkle to your holiday outfit, go for a metallic skirt or dress. This trend is especially popular for your next party! It's a great way to stand out from the crowd. For an even bolder look, try this trend with metallic pants!

Item #04: Velvet outfits

Velvet is having a major moment right now, so why not jump on the bandwagon? We love velvet pants, blazers, and even shoes! They'll keep you cozy all winter long. Check out these super cute velvet loafers!

Item #06: Faux fur coats and accessories

Fur never goes out of style, so invest in this timeless staple before it's too late. A faux fur jacket is a great way to translate this trend from winter into the holiday season. Just make sure you aren't wearing the same exact coat as everyone else, so switch up your accessories!

Item #07: Lace Dresses & Skirts

Lace is another popular fabric choice for the holidays. It adds a touch of elegance to any outfit.

Item #08: Plaid pants and skirts

Add some fun pattern mixing to your look with plaid pants or skirts. Pair with your favorite t-shirt and blazer to give a more edgy look.

Item #09: Statement necklaces

During the winter season, statement necklaces are must-haves. You can wear them with almost any outfit throughout this time of year, weatherable at going to a holiday party or just running errands.

Available in a variety of styles, colors, and materials, statement necklaces are a must-have for any fashion-savvy woman.

Item #10: Turtleneck sweaters

The turtleneck sweater is coming back in style this year, and we're totally here for it! A thick turtleneck will keep you warm winter long—perfect for those long holiday office parties or your next family dinner.

We hope you enjoyed this roundup of our favorite holiday fashion trends. What are you most excited to wear this season? Let us know in the comments below! And don't forget to shop our collection of stylish women's clothing while you're here. We have everything you need to get your wardrobe ready for the holidays!

How to Keep Your Hair Healthy in the Winter

The winter is a tough season for hair. Cold temperatures and dry air can wreak havoc on your locks, leading to brittle strands that are difficult to style and prone to breakage. To help you get the most out of the colder months, we've compiled this list of winter hair care tips!

Deep Conditioning Treatments

Conditioning is key to keeping your hair healthy in winter. When the air is so dry, it can be really tough on your locks, leading to brittle strands that are difficult to style and prone to breakage. Start with a deep conditioning treatment before washing your hair (we recommend at least once per week). This will help to replenish any lost nutrients and moisture. You should always be sure to apply hair products from root to tip, rather than concentrating them on the roots only – this will ensure that your hair is fully coated and will be less likely to break.

Keep your hair hydrated with a hair mask! Shea Moisture products are good for every hair type from color-treated hair and flaky scalp to natural hair and split ends! Add a little Shea Moisture to your winter hair care routine!


For winter, it's best to keep your blowout basic. Instead of adding extra heat styling tools like curling irons and flat irons into the mix, stick with simple straight styles that won't cause any damage or breakage. Then you can go in with a flat iron or curling iron as needed for a special event or change up your look.

Be sure to use a heat protectant spray when styling your hair, and avoid using the highest setting on your blowdryer – this will help to minimize any damage that can be caused by winter weather. We personally LOVE Color WOW Anti Frizz Spray. This stuff is a MUST TRY!

Limit Shampooing

The winter is when you can really get away with using dry shampoo on your hair every couple of days. It will absorb excess oil and dirt without causing any damage or stripping out natural moisture from your locks. Just be sure to remember to use a nourishing conditioner after you shampoo so that your hair is fully replenished.

Use Protective Styles to Help Avoid Heat Damage

When winter rolls around, it can be tempting to style our hair in protective styles until things warm up again outside. The winter months are when we really appreciate braids and extensions! Braiding or adding extra hair will help to protect your hair from winter damage, and you can always go in for a quick retouch whenever needed.

In the winter months, it's best to avoid heat styling as much as possible so that there is no need to worry about additional breakage or dryness caused by heated tools. It may seem counter-intuitive but sacrificing a little bit of styling time now can help to ensure a healthier scalp for the rest of winter and beyond.

Use volumizing products or techniques while styling

The winter can also be a time when your hair lacks volume. If you’re looking for some extra oomph, try using volumizing products or techniques while styling. This could mean adding mousse before blow-drying or teasing your hair at the roots before adding some finishing spray.

Use softer bristled brushes when brushing your hair

Since winter is a time when static electricity is more common, it’s important to use the right tools when brushing your hair. Try using a brush with softer bristles – this will help to dissipate the static and keep your hair healthy. If you are a curly girl, remember to always brush with wet hair and leave-in conditioner!

As curly girls ourselves we LOVE the Wet Brush brand.

Don't Forget - You Are What You Eat!

Using all of the right products and limiting heat is only half of the battle - You also have to fuel your healthy locks from the inside! Healthy foods are just as important as hair washes and hair masks.

We hope you find these winter hair care tips helpful! Take a self care day to focus on your hair health, create a balanced diet, and remedy those winter hair woes. Be sure to follow us on social media for more advice and product recommendations. Happy winter!

The 12 Days of Christmas Movies

The Christmas season is a time for family, friends, and Christmas movies. Christmas movies have been a staple of the holiday season since the 1940s when they began to be televised on Christmas Eve. From "A Christmas Story" to "It's A Wonderful Life," these classics are sure to bring back fond memories from Christmases past. In honor of this year's 12 Days of Christmas Movies, we've compiled a list of some popular favorite movies of all time that you can watch or purchase on Amazon Prime that the whole family will love!

"Miracle on 34th Street"

Miracle on 34th Street is a holiday classic, and its enduring popularity has inspired multiple remakes. A young department store Santa Claus must convince the world that he's the real thing in this 1947 film starring Edmund Gwenn as Kris Kringle.

Kris helps an unhappy mother find her Christmas cheer when she visits his toy shop.

This is a great Christmas movie! I love how it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside when watching this film during Christmas time. It's a must-see every year to capture the holiday magic! If you want to watch Miracle on 34th Street, click here.

The Miracle on 34th Street

"It's a Wonderful Life"

It's a Wonderful Life is a beloved holiday movie that tells the story of George Bailey, who has spent his life trying to serve others in order to make up for an incident he wishes never happened. When Mr. Potter tries to take over Bedford Falls and turn it into "Pottersville," George must enlist help from friends and family in order to save Christmas for his town.

It's A Wonderful Life

"A Christmas Story"

A Christmas Story is the tale of young Ralphie Parker who desperately wants a Red Ryder B-B gun under the Christmas tree, only to be told he'll shoot his eye out by everyone around him. Along with friends and family, this classic movie follows all of Ralphie's Christmas dreams, even when he doesn't get the gift he was hoping for.

A Christmas Story


Buddy (Will Ferrell) is a human who accidentally gets taken in by Santa Claus and raised as an elf at the North Pole. When Buddy learns that his father is on the naughty list and is about to be deported, he sets out for New York City in order to save him. Elf is a heartwarming Christmas classic that will make you laugh and cry - and believe in the magic of Christmas all over again.


"The Muppet Christmas Carol"

The Muppet Christmas Carol is a family favorite that captures all of the Christmas spirits. It tells the story of Ebenezer Scrooge, a cold-hearted old man who is visited by three ghosts on Christmas Eve in order to teach him about Christmas and the true meaning behind it. This movie has become a classic, with many versions available including one narrated by Michael Caine himself!

The Muppet Christmas Carol

"Home Alone"

Home Alone is a Christmas classic that follows the story of a young boy Kevin McCallister, who accidentally gets left behind when his family goes on vacation. When two burglars try to rob his home, Kevin must use all of his cunning and resourcefulness to outsmart them and save Christmas. This movie is hilarious and shows that Christmas is the time for family and love! You can watch Home Alone on Amazon or buy it here if you want to own a copy.

Home Alone

"The Santa Clause"

When Scott Calvin (Tim Allen) accidentally kills Santa, he must step in as Christmas's newest hero. He learns how to fly reindeer and deliver Christmas presents, all while trying to keep his son from learning the truth about Christmas. This family favorite is both heartwarming and funny - just like Christmas itself!

You can watch The Santa Clause on Amazon. And if you want to own a copy of your very own, click here!

The Santa Clause

Honorable Mentions

  • A Very Murray Christmas

  • Mickey's Christmas Carol

  • Nightmare Before Christmas

  • National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation

This holiday season, we’ve compiled a list of our favorite classic Christmas movies. A lot has changed in the world and more than ever before, people are looking for nostalgia to get them through these difficult times. These films offer that familiarity with cheer and good tidings that remind us what it is like to be surrounded by friends and family during such an important period of the year. We hope you enjoy these classics as much as we do! What is your go-to movie? Let me know in the comments below!

Holiday Gifts for Every Budget

The holiday shopping season is upon us! No matter your budget, you can still surprise and impress your loved ones this season with the perfect holiday gift!

The holidays are supposed to be about spending time with those we love. But as the bills stack up over the winter months, it's easy to find yourself strapped for cash as you start shopping around for presents and you might get stumped on gift ideas. But don't worry, we've got you covered! Here is a holiday gift guide for affordable gifts and stocking stuffers for every budget.

For the Budget-Conscious

If your funds are tight, consider giving gift cards from stores, restaurants, or even a gas station. The person receiving them can choose what they want when it's their time to buy making this the perfect gift! While small, these are practical, perfect stocking stuffers sure to please the whole family! Check out the links to these other cute and affordable stocking stuffers!

For the Self-Gifter

Don't forget about you this season! Treat yo' self! Whether it's a gym or yoga membership to uphold your New Year's resolutions or a bottle of wine! Always remember to give back to yourself this holiday season!


For the Foodie

If your friend or loved one loves cooking, consider giving them a subscription to a food magazine, such as Taste of Home or Good HouseKeeping. They'll get recipes from award-winning chefs, helpful tips on making any meal taste better, and stories about local restaurants.

For the Homebody

Have family or friends who like to stay in? They would probably appreciate having a gift card to their favorite take-out restaurant, or Netflix subscription. This way they can sit comfortably at home and enjoy some "me time". You might also consider "smart home" gifts and tech gifts such as an led lights or wireless charger to make their nights in more enjoyable!

For the Outdoorsman

For the outdoorsy type, perhaps an portable outdoor cooking kit, yard games or a JBL CLIP 3 - Waterproof Portable Bluetooth Speaker for Christmas! They'll have everything they need to entertain, survive and cook up their favorite meals while enjoying the fresh air.

Splinter Woodworking Co. Yardzee, Farkle & 20+ Games (All Weather) - Yard Dice Game Set with Red or Green Collapsible Bucket, Lid, 5 Big Laminated Score Cards & Marker

There are many ways you can make this holiday season even more special! You don't need a lot of money or time on your hands to get people excited about the gifts they receive. has some great gift ideas for all budgets; Custom pieces and holiday specials. Don't forget that supporting small businesses and small business owners is important too! Fast and free shipping!

iPad Pro Journey Day 2

It’s day 2 of my iPad journey. Initially, I messed around with the different styles of brushes that come with the Procreate app.  At some point I want to develop good hand lettering skills, if possible, so I dabbled with some of the calligraphy pens. I’m definitely going to need lots of practice.  After that, I decided to follow another YouTube tutorial. This one by Art with Flo caught my eye as this style of art is very popular right now. I grew up loving cartoons and comic books so if I can get the hang of this style I will use it often.  


I chose to use a picture of my stunningly beautiful sister as the base/reference for this project.  Unlike me, she is a cosmetic genius. I look forward to her Instagram posts, to see what glamorous look she’s created for the day.  If you are interested, head over to Instagram and follow her for makeup suggestions. You can do so by clicking here. Anyways…..back to this drawing. At the beginning of the YouTube video, she instructs you on how to choose a well-lit image with clear, crisp quality especially of the eyes.  I felt that this picture would work well. The only downside to my image selection was the flyaway wisps of hair, but for now, I’m willing to overlook that and learn.  

I agree with the creator of the video when she says that you can complete this without being able to draw.  This was really mostly tracing, which I’m not sure about you, but I find it very relaxing. I felt the video had a decent pace.  I had to pause it a few times to complete a task to my liking and then would start it back up for further instruction. Since I’m so new to this, I find that the areas where I’m having to replay and pay closer attention are when a new brush is selected and detailed instruction is not given on exactly what category that brush is under.  Or sometimes a new layer will be added and placed somewhere and it’s done just a little too quickly for me to see if there are multiple layers. But with the magic of technology, it’s easy to back up and replay what I’ve missed. That makes the learning experience stress free.

Overall, I feel I was able to follow the instructions well.  My sisters’ hair is very dark so I didn’t mess with very many variances in color streaks in the hair to give it that crazy comic pop.  I may go back later and experiment further. The example the video provided added white streaks in the hair. Initially, I followed that instruction but I didn’t care for that look so I duplicated that page and removed those streaks to see which I liked better.  I think I prefer the one without the white. My sisters’ shirt has detail in it that I will likely go back and work on as well. This was not something that was instructed in the video; however, I would like to test my skills at airbrushing the shirt to give more of a cartoon effect.  I enjoyed this tutorial and look forward to following her YouTube page.  You already saw my reference picture above, now below you’ll find the two finished products. What do you think? Feel free to drop a comment below. As always, thank you very much for stopping by the website. If you enjoyed this post please click the heart below to show some love. Stay safe and healthy.


Life Hack! Simple Freezer Storage

Here’s a quick and amazingly simple life hack for you.

When I find a good price on ground beef I buy the larger packs, and will separate and freeze what I won’t be using right away.

It’s just my husband and myself that I am cooking for so I freeze approximately 1lb portions which works perfectly for most meals for us. I don’t overthink this by weighing anything. I just eyeball it based on the total package weight. I use a quart size ziplock bag and add in the ground beef. I try to equally disperse the meat inside the baggy and then I smush the bag down with my hand until the meat is in a thin even layer inside the bag. I would say the beef is less than 1/2 inch thick. I date the baggies and put them in the freezer. You might be saying, ok so why is this a life hack? Well….. because the meat is in a thin layer these stack nicely in the freezer rather than trying to fit odd shaped square or oval pieces into the freezer. More importantly when you are ready to use the meat it thaws very quickly. This is ideal for anyone who is responsible for cooking dinner. Not many of us have the time to plan well in advance every meal. Anything that is simple and fast is a plus as far as I can see. I have also seen images of some refrigerators that have little guidelines on the bottom of the freezer. I assume that these bags could be stood up on their sides and held in place by those little ridges if your freezer has them.

As always thank you for visiting our blog. If you enjoyed this post be sure to click the little heart and the bottom and leave a comment below. If you have a life hack you use and would like to share please feel free to comment below. If you give this life hack a try and find it helpful please comment below.

See how little space these take up! Very convenient.

See how little space these take up! Very convenient.

This makes for easy thawing 😊

This makes for easy thawing 😊

Our Pantry Went From Hot Mess To An Organized Success! Product Review & Storage Tips

By: Toni Hetrick

A few days ago, I opened the pantry door and said, “THAT’S IT!”.  I can’t continue to open this door and pretend that it doesn’t look like a hot mess inside.  Hopefully I’m not the only person with a messy pantry.  As I stood in front of the pantry, head bowing in shame, it hit me that this pantry has only been organized maybe twice in the last six years.  When I say organized, I mean everything pulled out and completely sorted, then put away neatly in its own little space.

I feel like this is one of the areas of a home that is out of sight, out of mind.  The chore of grocery shopping is large enough, so once I get home from that treacherous soul sucking trip, I just want to get everything unloaded and put away as quickly as possible.  I have avoided organizing this pantry, I mean who wants to do that? There’s nothing about that situation that sounds like fun to me.  At any rate, I reached my breaking point and decided to get my act together.  I needed to step up and adult on this one.

When I think of an organized system, I think of containers.  I feel like containers would work especially well sitting on the slotted racks in the pantry.  It’s annoying to have for example a bag of rice that won’t stand upright due to those racks.  After some searching, I decided to purchase these fridge & freezer safe, BPA free bins.  They are made by Totally Kitchen and come in a variety of sizes.  They are versatile and can be stacked.  As soon as I saw them, I knew they would do the job.  I LOVE the fact that they are freezer safe.  I see a freezer organizing project in my near future.

These are the storage bins I chose. I LOVE them!

These are the storage bins I chose. I LOVE them!

These have a little handle area so that you can easily pull them out.

These have a little handle area so that you can easily pull them out.

Once I had all my containers, my first plan of action was to pull everything out of the pantry.  I got rid of anything that had expired or that I felt I simply won’t use.  As a person who has been paying closer attention to their budget, it was eye opening to see the items that I had hidden in the hard to reach places that had expired.  NO MORE!  Next was to pull all individually packaged items out of their boxes.  I threw out those boxes and sorted everything into categories.  EX: granola bars, crackers, baking items, etc. This step was a little intimidating.  Our stove and part of our countertop was completely covered, but once I got started, I was on a roll.

Organizing this hot mess!

The next phase was to find the perfect container for each category.  Once that was established it was smooth sailing.  Everything now has its own little home.  Clear containers for easy visibility.  Everything is now grab and go.  This should make things easier to find for those husband eyes that can never seem to find anything.  I think this will also shave a few minutes off my morning prep time when I’m rushing to pack a lunch for work.  Even though it’s not necessary, I decided to make labels for each container.  This makes my crafting heart smile. 

Now for the reveal you’ve all been waiting for…… the before and after pictures.  It might still be a little busy but I’m very happy with the result.

Before and After
Ugh here’s my embarrassing before picture. Don’t judge!

Ugh here’s my embarrassing before picture. Don’t judge!

Another horrible before image.  Eeek
Here’s a proud after picture. :)

Here’s a proud after picture. :)

An organized pantry makes me happy. If you see where the tea is I have stacked two containers. Talk about a space saver!

An organized pantry makes me happy. If you see where the tea is I have stacked two containers. Talk about a space saver!

I LOVE these containers!

I LOVE these containers!

Here are my baking supplies tucked away in their new container home. :)

Here are my baking supplies tucked away in their new container home. :)

If you are interested in purchasing these containers for an organizing project of your own, I have provided a link to them below. Please note we may receive a small commission if you purchase using our link. I personally love these containers so far. I think they will serve a purpose for a long time and have certainly helped in taming the crazy pantry. If you have any questions please feel free to comment below. As always thank you for reading!

Personal reflection: It's OK if you aren't perfect.

Exhaustion.  Complete and total exhaustion.  That’s what I feel presently.  It’s difficult to wear so many hats constantly.  There are times where I simply don’t get everything done that I had intended, and I’ve learned to accept that’s OK.  It’s been hard to accept that at times, but it really is OK.  Even when I’m at maximum production, sometimes life happens and knocks you back a step or two.  When I’m feeling defeated, I must remind myself that I’m making great progress and have come pretty far from where I started. There are only so many hours in each day, and I feel that I have found a way to multi-task as much as possible to take advantage for every one of those hours.  To be clear, when I say multi-tasking, I have gone so far as to listen to podcasts or YouTube channels while I’m preparing dinner, working on orders, even taking a shower.  My hands might be busy, but I can still listen.  As a small business owner, taking on several roles, the materials I have found from podcasts and YouTube channels have been incredibly helpful.  I’ll take the risk of sounding quite old, but it really is amazing how much information is available online for FREE.


Some of you might be questioning, why let yourself get to the point of exhaustion??  Take a break!  Let it go! (Insert familiar song, singing, twirling and imaging snowflakes falling around you……. Ok brain, back to the topic at hand).  I do allow myself to take an evening off and from time to time, sometimes even a full Saturday or Sunday, but I have a goal that I want so badly.  Probably more than I have wanted anything, ever.  That goal is to have a successful business that will allow me to break free from “The Man”.  No, I don’t mean my husband, I would like for him to stick around.  I mean the 9-5 job where it seems no matter how much effort you put in, it’s the same sh*t, different day.


Because of the drive I’ve had over the last 18 months, my company is growing at what I consider a rapid pace.  I went from pretty much only making sales when I was set up at a local event, to daily sales.  I’m selling items as quickly as I can produce them and have now implemented pre-order sales with a current 3-5-week turnaround time.  Even though I’m attempting, words simply cannot express how happy this progress makes me.  Again, I’m not making millions, but I’m growing and learning so much at the same time.  I have money in my business account and can sit and look at a budget, make considerations on where my next investment should be made and finally run through ROI.  Yes, me a small business owner, is using terminology like ROI.  Some will roll their eyes at that comment, but I feel there are other entrepreneurs out there that will appreciate what I’m saying. 

I’m not a business major.  I don’t hold any IT certifications and yet I’ve been able to develop a website; cultivate a social media presence on multiple platforms; dive head first into becoming a blogger; push my creative abilities to the max, among many other areas that are required to carry my tiny little business.  It’s exhausting at times to work 14 to 16 hour days consistently, all while suffering from insomnia, but every order that goes out the door warms my heart and fills me with a great deal of excitement.  It’s true that you get what you put into something and I’m hoping that continues hold true.  I would love nothing more than for Frugal Fashionista to be my full-time job and perhaps even help other small business owners get on their feet and into a place of stability.  If you are an entrepreneur and would like to chat, feel free to email me and I’d be happy to share some of my failures and successes.  I’ll end my rant now, I guess I needed a release, and I’m finding that blogging may be a great outlet for that.  Until later, be safe and strive forward, you are awesome!

Top 5 Things You NEED To Do By Yourself

By Tasha Stevens

Self-care baby! YASS! When was the last time you took a day to do something by yourself? I was surprised to hear from several close friends of mine that they are almost NEVER alone. What?! To me, that is crazy! 

It is important for your own mental health to check in on yourself sometimes. This might mean taking a walk around your neighborhood or even window shopping at the mall. 

Being alone doesn’t necessarily mean you are lonely. I feel it is imperative that each person value their “me time” and use it to do something they truly love or to even try something new! 

My top five things to do by myself are:

  1. Go to the beach. I am fortunate enough to live in a place where there is a beach within pretty much 2-hour driving distance in either direction. If you have no beach near you, no worries! A pool, swimming hole, creek, river, etc will do the trick. Warning! Going to the beach, pool, springs, etc alone could result in some serious tan lines so be sure to bring the SPF! 

  2. Go to the movies. Alright. I know this one sounds weird and pretty lame but I actually love going to the movies by myself. Now there are some people that say there is no freaking way they ever would but try it once, you might be surprised! No guilt for ordering the extra buttery $15 small popcorn or smuggling in dollar tree candy in your purse. No shame. #treatyoself. 

  3. Take up a hobby. I have several hobbies. One of which is painting. Michael’s craft store always has some type of coupon and cheaper acrylic paint, some brushes to use and bundle packages of canvases on the low. I just happen to enjoy painting with a nice big glass of Malbec by my side. Call it my “creative juices”. 

  4. Jigsaw puzzles. Ok ok…. Pull out the jello and Bengay. I guess this one makes me seem like I’m an 89-year-old retiree. And you’d be right. But my god, the satisfaction of putting in that final piece is like a fresh sip of ice-cold water on a hot day or a mouthful of freshly made cheesy garlic pasta. If jigsaw puzzles aren’t your thing, no worries! You can do other mental games such as sudoku, crossword puzzles, word searches, or even test your thumb strength with some classic Mario. 

  5. Fine dining. This is a MUST. You NEED to go out and eat by yourself somewhere. Think it’s going to be awkward? Bring a book or a magazine or your phone to read while you’re there. Or people watch. Do whatever you must to keep your mind off of the fact that you think everyone is staring at you. (They’re not.) Sitting down and eating by yourself is an acquired taste BUT one of the most satisfying things I have done by myself thus far. You can even do baby steps with this one and make yourself dinner at home. Start there and progress to big boy steps and take yourself out for a nice dinner later. You can make it even more fun by dressing up and having a date with yourself. Who knows? If you’re single, you might take home more than leftovers. HIYO!

I hope you take the time to try even a few of these things and practice in some real self-care. Remember you can’t take care of others if you don’t take care of yourself. If you enjoyed this post make sure you click the little heart below. Make sure to share your own experiences in the comment section below. If you step outside the box and try any of these comment below and let me know how it went.

DIY Fabric Softener Recipe - How to Save Money on Your Laundry

DIY Fabric Softener Recipe - How to Save Money on Your Laundry

By Hannah Hauser

Ever read your receipt after a big shopping trip and wonder at how much of your hard-earned money you just spent on seemingly nothing special? This happens to me all the time - I mean, really, how can a few shopping bags cost so much?! It’s crazy how prices continue to rise, but last time I checked, my paychecks weren’t getting any bigger. So I started looking at some of the things I bought to see where I could cut back a little bit and save some money, and I found out I can make my own DIY fabric softener for half the cost with only three ingredients!

Why You Should Be Making Fabric Softener Now

Let me start by saying that for YEARS, I did laundry just fine without using any fabric softener at all. My husband was the one who first suggested making a change, and I’ll be honest - I was reluctant. I had been washing my own things since high school, thank you, and as a true creature of habit, I just didn’t feel like changing up my laundry routine. 

I was comfortable with buying whatever detergent was on sale, throwing all my laundry in the wash (sorting be damned), and measuring out an approximate capful of detergent. Dump it in, hit start and forget it until the washer sounds the come-get-your-shit-it’s-clean alarm. Throw it in the dryer with a dryer sheet or two and leave it there for…. days? We won’t get into that.

So the idea of adding fabric softener to my lazy yet mostly effective routine just sounded incredibly… domestic. I somehow imagined fabric softener as laundering on a whole new level: I was afraid of turning into a Laundry Connoisseur. 

You probably know one - that person who ALWAYS separates whites and colors and actually uses different spin cycles for different items. They know what temperatures to run, and what Borax is (HINT: it’s not that comedy you watched once). They are the person you call frantically when you get a stain on your favorite shirt because they will be able to tell you - drawing from some sort of 1950s domestic housewife gene - exactly how to treat it, and you do the thing and breathe a sigh of relief because It. Always. Works. 

So despite my fears of becoming more domestic, I decided to give fabric softener a try. I picked one with the nicest sounding scent and added it to a load of towels.

I wish I could tell you there was a night-and-day difference when I smelled them after drying. But I really didn’t notice anything special with that first load - except that they didn’t smell old or musty. That was enough for me to keep using it, and the more I used fabric softener on my laundry, the more I began to notice a difference in the overall softer feel and slight scent boost in my things.

Now I’ve become accustomed to using fabric softener along with my regular laundry detergent. My new problem was that my preferred fabric softener (Gain Moonlight Breeze) was EXPENSIVE! Like, unsustainably so. Not good when you’re trying to pinch pennies wherever you can.

So my husband and I decided to try making our own fabric softener. Turns out there are tons of recipes out there, and we took bits and pieces from several to make our own. This version only uses 3 ingredients and takes about 2 minutes to mix up. This recipe makes about 96 ounces.

DIY 3-Ingredient Fabric Softener Recipe


1 15 oz bottle of conditioner

3 cups distilled white vinegar

6 cups water

You’ll also need:

A large mixing bowl

A whisk

A funnel

A 96 oz jug or storage container

1. Combine the conditioner and vinegar together in the mixing bowl. 

2. Whisk together to avoid fizzing and to better break down the mixture. Whisk until well-blended - there should not be big chunks of conditioner. 

3. Add the water to the mixture, stir, and pour via funnel into the storage container. 

Mixing the ingredients
Pour mixture into bottle
Boom!  It's done.  Simple

I use an old Gain fabric softener or vinegar bottle to store it. You’ll want something with a lid so you can periodically shake the fabric softener just to keep it mixed well. I usually shake it every 1-2 loads to keep it fresh. After shaking, it’ll be mildly fizzy but that is normal.

I use one capful or approx. ⅓ measuring cup per full load of laundry. Experiment with the right amount for you - it may vary depending on your water, machine or laundry load.

Homemade for Half the Price

That’s it folks! Talk about going domestic - I’m all about it now! And it saves me money! Here is the cost breakdown:

Vinegar = $2.69 for Great Value brand (large jug)

Conditioner = $1.06 for Suave Essentials conditioner (strawberry is my current favorite!)

So for less than $4.00, I can make the same amount of fabric softener when I used to pay $8-10 or more for the name brand stuff. Half the price?! Yes, please!

Try out this fabric softener recipe and let us know how you like it! Or if you have other money-saving tips or laundry recipes to share, leave us a comment below!